Thursday, May 15, 2008

....Open letter to Kit, Sam and the rest of TMCO

.....Sorry the cranks look soo poopy on the new K-Monkey. It'll be geared up soon. Thanx again.



Blogstyle said...

What happened to the IF?

samsam said...

...our bad.

ZDogg said...

if= single speed. K-monkey= geared... long haul trucker= errr....truckin'? evevtually this is the plan:)

rockd said...

White MTB parts may also attract consumers who are familiar with equipment of that color in technology applications, BRAIN surmises. And there might be a psychological effect. "Bikes have really been spec'd with blacks and grays and metallics, so white is a huge contrast," notes Joel Richardson, marketing manager for Hayes Bicycle Group. "It is very clean and light looking. All bikes in all applications have been very weight conscious, and white does have a lighter look to it." Lighter look? That seems to guarantee that ivory will be replacing ebony on the road too.

ZDogg said...

....I saw a kid downtown riding a bike with an aero spoke fixed gear bike thingy, all white, and kinda felt like a tool:( Then I remembered! I've always been a tool:) See ya' on Monday Rick.