Wednesday, April 11, 2007

I like it when we can get people on sweet bikes I know they will like...

19.5 lb. 17degree sweep flatbar 10sp. XO2....

Motolite TALAS RLC XT etc....


cvo said...

mmmmm eye candy..

I miss building nice bikes for people, that's sweet when you get to see them pic it up and enjoy it

ZDogg said...

If I could exclusively build bikes like those I would be super excited...... And super exhausted. No matter what we do to a Huffy it feels 12,000% better! Does that make us snobs?

Endurosnob said...

Yes, but what's wrong with being snobs? :)

J-Rod showed me those last night at the shop. That Trek setup is, dare I say, genius.

ZDogg said...

No, But we actually talked about making up a back story and tryin' to play this bike off like...wait a minute....why am I explanin' myself to mister "I work @ Euroasia"? Go ride a Highwheeler :)