I always wondered, secretly of course in fear of the long arm of the man, how long it would take b4 they managed to scare all the humor and sense of reason out of the american people. "You need us or the terrorists win" finally worked and now I fear 'tis but a matter of time b4 they take my beloved ATHF off the air or impose some equally unjust punishnent upon the show or it's creators. It looks like a light brite and that was my favorite damn show.
No all you kids in America and England , it is not the "party king" but it is a little taste of Thailand in the middle of the coldest week yet. Thanx to ghetto B&R for the pick me up. The grocery store may be crappy but they have Tiger...roooooooooaaaarrr.
Huh? Looks pretty slick and minimal. Kinda odd from the company that brought us the shinburger? Maybe they want us to ride shinburgers on our fixed gear bikes...Those sick bastards won't be happy 'till we are all on crutches!